Guides & Tutorials

A Guide to Node.js Design Patterns

Learn about various design patterns in Node.js and how they can be applied to build scalable and maintainable applications.

Last updated on October 5, 2023 at 3:21 PM

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Krste Rajchevski

Software Engineer @ Bugpilot

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Design patterns play a crucial role in developing reliable and scalable software applications. They provide proven solutions to common problems and help improve the overall architecture and structure of the code. In this guide, we will explore some commonly used design patterns in Node.js and how they can be applied to solve real-world problems. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding and implementing these patterns will enhance your Node.js applications.

Singleton Pattern

The Singleton pattern is often used to restrict the instantiation of a class to a single object. This can be useful in scenarios where a single instance needs to be shared across multiple modules or components in your Node.js application. For example, you may have a database connection class that should be accessed by different parts of your application, and you want to ensure that only one instance is created.
To implement the Singleton pattern in Node.js, you can create a class with a private constructor and a static method to create or return the instance. Here is an example:

1class DatabaseConnection {
2  constructor() {
3    // private constructor
4    // initialize database connection here
5  }
7  static getInstance() {
8    if (!this.instance) {
9      this.instance = new DatabaseConnection();
10    }
12    return this.instance;
13  }
16// Usage
17const dbConnection = DatabaseConnection.getInstance();

In this example, the DatabaseConnection class has a private constructor, meaning it cannot be instantiated from outside the class. The getInstance method checks if an instance already exists and creates a new one if necessary. This ensures that only one instance of the DatabaseConnection class is created and shared across your Node.js application.

Observer Pattern

The Observer pattern is used when there is a need for a one-to-many relationship between objects, where one object (called the subject) notifies other objects (called observers) when its state changes. This pattern is commonly used in event-driven architectures, where multiple components are interested in the same event and need to react accordingly.
In Node.js, you can implement the Observer pattern using the built-in EventEmitter module. Here is an example:

1const EventEmitter = require("events");
3class Notifier extends EventEmitter {
4  notify(message) {
5    this.emit("notification", message);
6  }
9// Usage
10const notifier = new Notifier();
11// Observer 1
12notifier.on("notification", (message) => {
13  console.log(`Received notification: ${message}
16// Observer 2
17notifier.on("notification", (message) => {
18  // Perform some action
20// Notify observers
21notifier.notify("New message");

In this example, the Notifier class extends the EventEmitter module, which provides the functionality to emit events and handle listeners. The notify method emits the notification event, passing the message as a parameter. The observers, defined using the on method, react to the event by executing their respective callbacks. This allows for decoupling between the subject (Notifier) and the observers, making the code more maintainable and scalable.

Factory Pattern

The Factory pattern is used to create objects of similar types without explicitly specifying their class. It provides a central place to create and manage instances of related objects, abstracting away the details of object creation. This can be particularly useful when you have multiple implementations of an interface or when you need to create instances dynamically based on specific conditions or configurations.
In Node.js, you can implement the Factory pattern using a factory function or a factory class. Here is an example using a factory class:

1class LoggerFactory {
2  createLogger(type) {
3    if (type === "console") {
4      return new ConsoleLogger();
5    } else if (type === "file") {
6      return new FileLogger();
7    }
9    throw new Error("Invalid logger type");
10  }
13class ConsoleLogger {
14  // Logger implementation
17class FileLogger {
18  // Logger implementation
21// Usage
22const loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();
23const consoleLogger = loggerFactory.createLogger("console");
24const fileLogger = loggerFactory.createLogger("file");

Here, the LoggerFactory class provides a createLogger method that takes a type parameter and returns an instance of the appropriate logger. This allows you to create loggers without knowing the specific implementation details, making your code more flexible and easier to maintain.


Design patterns are powerful tools that can greatly improve the structure and maintainability of your Node.js applications. In this guide, we explored some commonly used design patterns, including the Singleton pattern, Observer pattern, and Factory pattern. By understanding and applying these patterns in your projects, you can build scalable and maintainable Node.js applications. Remember to choose the pattern that best fits your requirements and keep the principles of code reusability, maintainability, and simplicity in mind. Happy coding!

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